Worship Associates Program



Please read this before you apply!!

(Updated Feb. 2015)

WORSHIP....What does it mean? The word, from the Old English “weorthscipe,” means the act of expressing or showing respect, reverence, worth, or esteem.

WORSHIP....How might we craft it for the future? How have we experienced it in the past?

WORSHIP....How do we craft it, lead it, and experience it here in our own congregation, UUFD?

How? With community. With joy. With integrity. With creativity. With you.

The UU Congregation of DeKalb’s (UUCD's) Worship Associates program offers lay leaders an opportunity to serve as worship leaders, crafters, and as liturgists. Together we learn about living liturgy, a word from the Latin that means “the work of the people.” As a liturgist (or worship assistant) you assist the worship leader to present the service. Once you become a worship leader, you assume responsibility to plan, craft, and present a service.

Through training lay leaders in preparation and presentation of worship, we honor our identity as Unitarian Universalists – that all are ministers. This deepens and enhances the quality of our worship. By taking training seriously, we show respect for the person “in the pew” – for those who attend our services. New Worship Associates begin by attending the annual training session in August. This is required. Next they serve as an assistant with the minister or a more experienced Worship Associate for a number of services before taking full responsibility as a worship leader. In addition, the minister is available for individual support and coaching. Worship Associates learn through self- examination, and lead from a place of both personal reflection and awareness of the community’s spiritual needs. These are essential aspects of your training.

Criteria and Requirements:

1. Complete the application form. Please don’t be daunted by the form! We do not want a long, polished essay. We do want clear, simple, concise, thoughtful responses. If you do need more space, please feel free to add one additional page.

2. Commitment to UU values and this congregation.

3. Commitment to serve for a one year term. This may be renewed annually, by invitation, for a maximum of five consecutive years. One year off is recommended before re-application.

4. Qualities we seek include integrity, reliability, creativity, speaking ability, interest in life and spirit, and the ability to work as part of a team.

5. Participation in 3 meetings annually:

a. August or early September – Required half-day training

b. January or early February –Continuing education, assessment, and calendar

c. July –Social gathering with church music leaders

6. Worship Associates recommit annually. Each year they complete a covenant form and participate in the blessing for lay ministry held at the Ingathering service in September.

To fill out an application form on-line for the Worship Assocates program, click here.

Questions? Contact the church office at 815-756-7089.

Application forms accepted at any time.
Worship Associates are selected in late spring & summer, prior to the August training session.

WORSHIP is about memory, connection, inspiration, and hope. It teaches humility, wonder, and cherishing. It supports transformation, motivation, and yearning for justice. We hope you will join us.

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Website by Will Ireland and TwoFiveDesigns