Ministry Chairs

 Basic Responsbilities for Ministry Committee Chairs

(Updated 2013) 

  1. Plan for the Fall UUFD Ministries Fair. Through the fair and other personal contacts you will build your Ministry Committee.

  1. Review the UUFD Leadership Policy Guide. Copies are available in our church office or on our website. If you request it, Bonnie will email you a copy or send you a hard copy.

  1. Convene your Ministry Committee as soon as possible. Establish 2-4 realistic goals. Begin strategizing an action plan for each goal. Follow the “SCAMP” or “SMART” model for goal achievement. Are your goals:

a. Specific (What will be accomplished in this church year?)

b. Consistent (Within the bounds of our UUFD mission statement?)

c. Attainable (How will we succeed? Does this goal need to be broken into smaller bites? What is the action plan?)

d. Measurable (How will we know that it was achieved?)

e. Personal (Who is doing what? …and by when?)

  1. Convene meetings as needed throughout the year.

  1. Consult with your Board of Trustees liaison. You may want to attend a Board meeting or need to submit proposals. Any event that requires building use and funding requires a Board Proposal Form.

  1. The UUFD Leadership Council meets every other month. Meetings are convened and led by the Past President of the Board of Trustees and the Minister. Please attend Leadership Council meetings. 

  1. Throughout the year you are welcome to recruit additional members to serve on your Ministry Committee. If you have questions or concerns about asking someone to join your committee, please feel free to contact the Leadership Council President, the Minister, or the Board President. The Board encourages and supports welcoming new people into our leadership! 


Annual Letter to Ministry Chairs 

Thank you for agreeing to serve on a UUFD Ministry Committee for this church year. With your dedication and abilities, we hope to enhance our UU presence in the DeKalb area and strengthen our spiritual community within our congregation. We chose you because we recognize your gifts and commitment to UUFD. We need your insights. We hope you contact the Leadership Council Chairperson, our Minister Rev. Slabon, or the Board President with any questions you may have.

The Board of Trustees annually review and appoint Ministry Committee Leaders. We are working to keep our leadership structures flexible. We have established leadership teams to share the work load and to broaden our perspective. Please take time to review the enclosed UUFD Leadership List and the flow chart that describes our congregational structure.

Each Ministry Committee has a Board contact person. Please invite them to your meetings and utilize them when questions or difficulties arise. Your Board contact person is available to you for support and information.

Here is what we need for you to do:

    1. Please read Basic Responsbilities for Ministry Committee Chairs. Your initial task is to host a booth at our Ministry Fair, establish a working group, and set some goals to achieve this year.
    2. Call your Board Contact person. Find out what this Ministry Committee has done before. Discuss ideas and your questions. Your Board contact person will call you if he or she does not hear from you.
    3. Email or contact Bonnie, our church office administrator, if you need to reserve the building, or if you need a UUFD Directory, a Policy manual, or a Board request form. Bonnie can supply many answers and forms you might need! Bonnie Freeman: 815-756-7089 uufdchurchoffice@aol.comHours: Tuesdays 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Fridays 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
    4. Attend Leadership Council Meetings. They will help you understand UUFD culture, make connections, and develop your skills.

No one is expected to bear the weight of an entire area of congregational life alone. Together we build our ministry. If you need support, do not hesitate to ask for it. Your Board Contact, Rev. Linda, and members of the Ministry Council, are eager to encourage your ideas and connect with you. We are available to you and will assist however we can. We truly appreciate your service. Thank you.   


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Website by Will Ireland and TwoFiveDesigns