
UUFD Leadership Policy

Updated 2013



The word committee shall refer to groups organized out of necessity for the ongoing operation of the congregation. The Board shall appoint and approve committee leadership.


    1. Board members and Ministry Council members may not chair a committee, but may serve on them.
    2. Committee members are expected to attend 75% of the meetings of their committees.
    3. Committee chairs are responsible to keep the committees progressing in a timely and efficient manner.
    4. Committee chairs shall represent their committees at the meetings of the Leadership Council. Committees shall report on their activities at the Leadership Council meetings.
    5. A person may chair only one committee per year.
    6. All expenditures, beyond board budgeted items, must have prior approval by the board. Committees are not to exceed their budget without prior board approval. In cases of emergency, committee chairs should contact the board president or a board representative.
    7. Cases of internal conflict on committees shall be referred to the Ministry Council.
    8. Committee chairs shall submit a proposed budget to the finance committee in preparation for the annual congregational budget.
    9. Current UUFD Ministry Committees are:
          • Congregational Support & Development
          • Lifespan Faith Development
          • Nominating committee
          • Social Justice & Outreach
          • Stewardship
          • Worship and Arts


Sub-committees extend the work of a Ministry Committee into a specific area. Sub committees address the needs of short or long-term projects.


      1. Committee chairs may not chair the subcommittee under which he or she serves as a chair of the main committee. Committee chairs will support the maintenance of sub committees and will report any problems in functioning to the Ministry Council.
      2. Board members and Ministry Council members may chair a sub committee.
      3. The chair of the committee under which that subcommittee works, shall select the subcommittee chair or co-chairs.
      4. Sub-committee chairs shall advise the general committee chair of the progress of the sub committee.



The Board appoints task forces for short term, individual projects. Task forces report directly to the board.


      1. The board shall approve task force chairs.
      2. Task forces shall consult with other committees as needed.
      3. Task forces shall request needed funds from the board.
      4. All task forces should report to the Board of Trustees.
      5. Examples of prior UUFD board approved task forces have been: Building Dedication, Long Range Planning, Growth, and Full-Time Ministry



The Leadership Council is a representative body comprising the UUFD Board liaisons, Ministry Council, Committee chairs, and Staff members.

The purpose of the Leadership Council is:

  • Meeting face to face of the whole leadership body of UUFD

  • Training and mentoring newly appointed members into UUFD culture.

  • Review and evaluate UUFD culture, policies, and events and make recommendations to the Board. LC has NO decision making power on UUFD policy but can make recommendations.

  • Effectively live into our congregational structural model and make it easy and accessible for others to do so.

  • Connect, plan, engender and support fabulous and fun ideas that enhance our mission, building community, and live our ministry.



      1. The Leadership Council(LC)shall meet at least quarterly.
      2. The LC shall not function as either a committee or a decision making body.
      3. The LC is encouraged to make recommendations to the board.
      4. The Leadership Council shall choose a convener/chairperson and secretary from among its membership.
      5. Conflicts in the LC shall be referred to the Ministry Council.
      6. The Board past president shall convene the first LC meeting January preferred).
      7. The LC will work for diversity and commit to integrate children and youth into each area of ministry.
      8. The LC will do some leadership development training at each meeting.



  1. The board liaison serves as a resource and reference to chairs on issues of congregational bylaws, policies, and norms.

  2. The board liaison is not a member of the committee, and therefore not responsible for planning, setting goals, or doing the work of the committee.

  3. The board liaison helps the committee maintain accountability in reaching its goals through ongoing communication and networking.

  4. The board liaison can assist committee chairs in drafting a board proposal. The Chair should present proposals to board unless special circumstances dictate otherwise.


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Website by Will Ireland and TwoFiveDesigns