Bulletin Boards


Updated and passed unanimously by the Board of Trustees – January 2, 2013


  1. Bulletin boards will be assigned to various ministry committees or staff members. Boards will be identified by signs provided by the Office Manager.

  2. Bulletin boards will be maintained to the following standards:

    1. Boards will be changed or revitalized on a monthly basis.

    2. Outdated materials will be removed promptly.

    3. Posted materials are to be contained within the frame of the board. (We realize that larger posters or banners may, on occasion, drape appropriately below the bottom frame of a board.)

    4. Posted materials are to be neatly trimmed and spaced.


  1. UUFD members who wish to post items or articles on a bulletin board should first request space from the co-leaders of the committee/ministry or the staff person to which that board is assigned.


  1. The bulletin board planned for the Locust Street entryway is available to members for posting of community and school events, news articles, announcements, etc. Co-leaders of the Congregational Support & Development Ministry will be responsible for bulletin board upkeep.





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Website by Will Ireland and TwoFiveDesigns