Ministry Council


(Updated May, 2015) 

Statement of Purpose

The primary purpose of the Ministry Council (MC) is to provide support and honest feedback to the minister with the goal of strengthening the quality of ministry and overall health of the congregation. The council helps maintain the operations of the congregation by screening potential staff members (excluding called ministers), making recommendations for hiring to the Board, and participating in annual staff review and assessment. In addition, the council accepts directives from the governing board for special projects. 


  • Facilitate communication between the minister and congregation.

  • Help the minister carry out an effective ministry by being available for counsel.

  • Strengthen and improve relationships by advising the minister about conditions within the congregation that effect relations between members and the minister.

  • Communicateto the congregation the nature and scope of the work of the minister, including clarification of role expectations and realistic priorities for the minister and members.

  • Develop and present recommendations to the governing board related to the minister’s annual contract, including compensation.

  • Work with the minister to develop ongoing plans for professional growth, including sabbatical leave, and to advocate such plans to the governing board.

  • Address cases of internal conflict with committees or between individuals as needed.

  • Perform the human resource function of assessment of staff and make recommendations for hiring to the board.

  • Work with the board and minister in the assessment of the ministry of the church. 

Membership, Appointment, and Rotation

The Ministry Council consists of 3 or 4 members appointed by the consensus of the minister, current council members and the governing board. One new member will join the council each year with the senior member serving for one year as Ministry Council Chair.

Step 1: The Council and minister submit a list of possible appointees to the board for consideration.

Step 2: The board and minister discuss the list of candidates and prioritize and endorse the candidates.

Step 3: The minister and/or the council chair recruit the new member(s). 

Conditions of Membership

  • Members serve on the council for a term of three or four years, unless serving to fulfill someone else’s term.

  • Members of the council may not serve on the UUFD governing board.

  • Members may serve on congregational committees, but may not chair a committee while on Ministry Council.

  • Meetings will be held at least 4 times per church year.

  • Members who attend fewer than 75% of scheduled meetings may be asked to step down from the council.

Role of the Chairperson

Roles of the Chairperson include acting as a liaison with disgruntled members and serving as a facilitator to listen and arbitrate conflicts within the fellowship. The chair assists the minister and board with the process of hiring new staff members for paid positions, and the chair and minister make recommendations for hiring to the Board of Trustees.

The chair submits brief reports on the activities of the council to the board, and when necessary, to the congregation. 

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Website by Will Ireland and TwoFiveDesigns