Social Justice Committee

Get Involved with Social Justice Issues
The Social Justice Committee works to raise social justice awareness by organizing study groups and other events, and inform the congregation of pertinent issues of justice including Study Action Issues and Statements of Conscience voted upon at UUA General Assemblies. The committee also monitors and supports local justice efforts, coordinates requests for funding and social action programming, including Special Collections and the WE Pantry. The committee submit proposals as needed to the Board of Trustees.
To lend a helping hand, please contact the current Social Justice Chair. We alre always in need of volunteers to assist us with our regular activities that are listed below.
Our Social Justice Activities
- Providing a Fair Trade Coffee Stand in our Fellowship Hall
- Staffing and Stocking our Welcome Essentials Pantry, held the last Saturday of each month
- Providing a monthly meal for Hope Haven
- Conducting the annual UUSC/Guest At Your Table event for the UUFD Congregation
- Coordinating the UUFD participation in the Sondra King Memorial CROP Hunger Walk
- Delivering the social justice candle joys and concerns during Sunday morning services
- Organizing Special Collections during Sunday morning services nine Sundays a year. To nominate an organization to be one of our UUFD special collection recipients, visit:
- Coordinating educational programs and events on topics of social justice, peace, and the environment
- Organizing Indoor Farmers' Markets with Arts and Crafts and Used Books (December and February)
Please view our tabs to review other information related to UUFD Social Justice.