Program Components

Nursery Sprouts (Infants through age 4)

At UUFD, we understand that the early months and years of a child's life are a time of enormous and rapid cognitive and emotional development. To foster this development, we provide our young children with stimulating, age-appropriate activites that focus on art, music, and stories. 

Rainbow Kids (Ages 5 through Fifth Grade)

The UUA Wonderful Welcome curriculum for our Rainbow Kids engages and challenges leaders and children alike to explore how and why we are willing to welcome others into our lives. We welcome not only strangers, but family, our peers, our neighbors and even entities that are not people such as our animal friends and nature itself. For more information about the Wonderful Welcome Curriculum, click here.

Bridge Builders (Sixth Grade and Up)

The UUA Building Bridges curriculum is a world religions program that deepens our youths' understanding of the dynamic, fascinating, and varied world in which they live. It seeks to broaden their knowledge of humanity and embolden their spiritual search. For detailed information about this program, click here


 Lessons and Activities  


Our UUA RE Photo-Contest Winner, 2014


Our children's activities and lessons include short stories, discussions, and hands-on projects related to topics such as Unitarian Universalist values and traditions, social development and feelings, diversity and world religions, and the gifts of nature.  


Story Basket Sundays


Wonder Box and Multigenerational Sundays      

 We value even the youngest children as part of our worship and faith community. Consequently, we have monthly Wonder Box Sundays and four yearly Multigenerational Services in which our children participate in our worship services in special ways.

On Wonder Box Sundays, the 4th Sundays of each month, children participate in the opening portion of our worship services when both children and adults are given an opportunity to expore what will come out of the Wonder Box, whose contents are intended to instill a sense of wonder, curiosity, surprise, and a desire to learn. For  more information about our Wonder Boxes, click here.


  Our four Sunday Multigenerational Services are:  

December: Winter Solstice Celebration
February: Standing on the Side of Love
May: Flower Communion
August: Ingathering and Water Communion


Faith in Action Projects

In keeping with the UUFD mission statement, our religious education program teaches our children to put their faith in action. Throughout the year our children participate in special "Faith in Action" projects that teach them to care about others and themselves. They

  • Raise their awareness of local, national and global needs
  • Create closeness and unity among each other and the broader religious community
  • Deepen their spiritual commitment and church involvement
  • Help them realize that they can make a difference!

 For more information about Faith in Action activites, click here.



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Website by Will Ireland and TwoFiveDesigns